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"Eat like an Italian - pasta edition"-May2019

Updated: Nov 25, 2019

“First we eat pasta, then we do everything else”

(1) Stagioni Italiane: Escape to Italy With Your Senses:

Penne al Forno Oven baked Penne pasta, Supreme Angus Beef Shortribs slow brazed in homemade tomato sauce and spices ---- Mezzi Rigatoni allo Zafferano Half Rigatoni pasta, onion and zucchini saute infused with Italian prosecco wine and Saffron --- Bombardini al Salmone Bombardini Pasta, Onion sotee, Italian prosecco, Smoked salmon

Stagioni Italiane , Chef Lorenzo Bonissoni ------------------------ (2) Tre Monti restaurant: Italian food is not just food but is an "EMOTION"

Crespelle dell’orto Home-made Crespelle pasta stuffed with mixed seasonal vegetables on a rich fire roasted tomato cream sauce. --- Cannelloni della Nonna Veal, ricotta and spinach Cannelloni with San Marzano tomato, basil and Parmigiano Reggiano --- Penne del riso del golfo Gluten free Penne Salad with cherry tomato, basil, black beans, albacore tuna, marinated onion Agrodolce and sweet organic corn -------------------------- (3) C'era Una Volta:

Tortelloni ai funghi porcini con salsa chiantigiana fresh eggs pasta filled with porcini mushroom and ricotta on a chianti meat sauce (only beef) —— Ravioli con Burrata e Salmone affumicato fresh eggs pasta filled with stracciatella cheese and served on a smoked salmon creamy sauce

Chef Rudy Duran -------------------------- (4)

Traditional Lasagna Homemade pasta layered with homemade bolognese ragu’, creamy bechamel sauce and parmesan. --- Vegetarian Lasagna Homemade pasta layered with homemade pesto, crispy potatoes, creamy bechamel sauce and parmesan. --- Vegan Lasagna Homemade vegan pasta layered with homemade lentils ragu’ and vegan creamy bechamel sauce.

Buy durum pasta made with selected wheat and produced by old an traditional way with Dolce Italian Sweets and Dolce Italia Foods.

Cannoli & Gelato with Italian Brothers Bakery and Gio Gelati.

Thank you all for coming, Grazie!

Credits and Copyrights: © 2019 Coloresaturo by Gisella Alfieri Sabattini.

Thanks to all our friends and vendors:

Stagioni Italiane | | Tre Monti restaurant | C'era una volta | Biondivino | Dolce Italia Foods | Italian Brothers Bakery | Dolce Italian Sweets | Gio Gelati


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