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“Perché la mamma è sempre la mamma!”

How many proverbs does exist to honor our mothers? And they are all well deserved!

On Sunday May 10th we will celebrate Mother’s Day (or Festa della Mamma) in different parts of the world.

This celebration falls on the second Sunday of May and dates back to 1870, when the American activist and poet Julia Ward Howe tried to promote a “Mother's Day for Peace”, with not a lot of success. Then, in 1908, Anna Jarvis was able to organize the first “Mother’s Day” in different cities to celebrate her mom, the pacifist Ann Reeves Jarvis. The celebration became official in 1914, under Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency. 

In Italy, the date was officially established in 1959 but there were some experiments before, in 1956 and 1957, when the mayor of Bordighera (Liguria) and a priest in Assisi (Umbria) both organized two different celebrations. The first one was a commercial one, in partnership with the Italian florists association, the second one had, of course, a more religious connotation.

But, what does Italians normally do for their moms? Flowers are a common and always appreciated gift while children are used to doing some “lavoretti”, that’s to say some works of art or poems dedicated to their beloved moms.

For 2020 Festa della Mamma, Bay Area Italian Events has created a new and limited collection of t-shirts, tanks, hoodies and much more with the famous Italian proverb: 

Di Mamma ce ń è una sola! Mothers are unique!

Get yours HERE and customize size and color!

And don’t forget to write a nice card using a quotations like the ones below:

– Essere mamma non è un mestiere, non è nemmeno un dovere: è solo un diritto tra tanti diritti (Oriana Fallaci)

(being a mother in not a job, neither a duty: it’s just a right among the others.

– Maternità: tutto l’amore inizia e finisce lì (unknown)

(maternity: all the love starts and ends there).

– Una buona madre vale cento maestri (Victor Hugo)

(a good mother is better that 100 teachers).

– Dio non poteva essere dappertutto, e quindi ha fatto madri (Proverbio ebraico)

(God couldn’t be anywhere so he created mothers).

– Vivi questo giorno come tua madre vorrebbe che tu lo vivessi (Anna Jarvis)

(Live this day as your mother wanted you to live it)

Ogni donna diventa come sua madre: questa è la sua tragedia. Nessun uomo diventa come sua madre: questa è la sua tragedia” (Oscar Wilde)

(Every woman becomes like her mother: that’s her tragedy. No man becomes like his mother: that’s his tragedy).



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